Започна строежа на обществена сграда
На вашето внимание представяме обществена сграда в стоеж за продаване.
Предлагаме апартаменти, мезонети, гаражи, мази, партерен етаж.
Eco Friendly Industrial Advancements
When production requires small batches and runs, the least efficient component of the process is the heating of both the curing ovens and pre-treatment solution tank.
Construction Industry Safety Initiative
Working at height is still one of the largest causes of workplace accident many major falls from height and it was the biggest cause of fatal accidents in the workplace.
Construction Industry Challenges
Every business has it’s certain challenges and requirements that they seek to overcome with various forms of technology , infrastructure , and specialized workers.
Technology Is the Future of Construction
Thanks to improved technologies, mechanical engineering in construction has found itself more efficient and, at the planning stage, cheaper.